Present Delivery Simulator

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Our Christmas themed game, released in Winter 2021.

About the Game

Present Delivery Simulator is a simple simulator game where players collect presents from Santa’s workshop and deliver them to any of the houses in several areas of the map. There are 5 different areas of the map for the player to unlock and explore. Each area has a different theme so players have a new experience in each area they unlock.

The first area (Cabins) comes free to the player as soon as they join the game. This offers the lowest amount of revenue for each house and has the least number of houses out of all of the areas. The next area that the player is most likely to unlock is a cul-de-sac of bungalows seen in the picture on the left. The third area has a few slightly larger houses, as well as a cave called the Elf Caves. This area leads onto the next one, which is themed on retail and services. Here players can deliver presents to the local restaurant or daycare. The final zone is also connected to this and contains built-up skyscrapers and some larger houses.

When the player delivers a present to a house/building, they have to wait for 30 seconds before they can deliver to the same house again. This is done to encourage players to move around the map more, and explore what the other areas are like.

The game also has pets, which give the player money boosts for each house that they deliver to. This aids the player in their gameplay, giving them the ability to collect all of the pets in the game, while also gaining benefits from it. There are 3 different types of pets in the game, Santas, Snowmen, and Raindeers. They can be purchased from a gingerbread house next to Santa’s Workshop. Each Category has different presents the player can choose to purchase, each one having different percentage chances of each of the rarities.


Veos was the programmer and co-lead for the game. McSloth was the builder, graphic designer, and co-lead for the game. Veos and McSloth both worked hard to ensure that everything was completed in the player’s best interest, and to a very high standard.

The first release of the game was in early December 2021. It took us a couple of months to complete the game. The main difference between how the game worked then and how it works now is the sections of the map. We used to have a teleporter, however now everything flows seamlessly on one map. This is because in 2022 both McSloth and Veos produced a new, fresh version of the game for Christmas that year with a new map, new GUIs, and new scripts to make the game better than ever! We completed the revamp of the game in 1 month.

Present Delivery Simulator has been a good milestone for both McSloth and Veos, as they’ve been able to compare how their skills have developed between both years, and how the game has improved both visually, and mechanically.